Thursday, November 6, 2014

9 Engagement Rings To Propose With Based On Her Favorite Chick Flicks

Too much time has gone by since my last blog post and since my last BuzzFeed article.

A bunch of my good friends have been getting engaged lately, as have my random Facebook acquaintances. It seems to be contagious. I think it started with the war in Israel (you know, wars make people realize they don't want to lose each other and whatnot), and then didn't seem to end.

One thing I have noticed is that boys suck at choosing engagement rings. All my friends' rings are gorgeous, of course. But, from the stories I have heard, the poor men did not have an easy time figuring out which ring to pick.

That's where this BuzzFeed comes in. I'm here to help the boys who have not yet proposed and are searching for her dream ring.

She loves romantic comedies, right? You must know her favorite one. You don't? First of all, what kind of a boyfriend are you. Second of all, just ask her.

Then, based on that simple answer, you should be able to choose the new love of her life - no, she's not going to have an affair, silly - I'm talking about her ring.

If her favorite chick flick didn't make the list, don't you worry. The point is that you should be able to figure out what ring she would like based on what her personality is like - think of each ring as its own character. Read the article, look at the rings, and get shopping!

Here's a link to the BuzzFeed:

Good luck. I hope she says yes!


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

7 Celebrity Matches for Frozen's Queen Elsa

It turns out I might be a tad addicted to BuzzFeed. And to Frozen. I may have seen it more times than I would like to share, and I can't seem to let it go (pun definitely intended).

So, I decided to combine two of my latest addictions and mix them up into a wonderful, quirky conglomeration that is my latest BuzzFeed article entitled 7 Celebrity Matches for Frozen's Queen Elsa.

I figured that even though Elsa is finally free to be her true self, she's going to want someone special to share that with. Since she's too busy being a queen and all to deal with the hassles of OkCupid, I took the liberty of setting her up with some eligible bachelors.

If you liked the Disney movie half as much as I did, my guess is you'll get a kick out of the article, which you can check out here:

Here are some sneak peaks:

What a catch!

Photobombs by snowmen and upside down princes galore!

Icy pave engagement ring fit for a queen.

Enjoy the article, and feel free to leave comments!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Look Mom, I'm on BuzzFeed!

So... it's not exactly TV, anyone can post there, and my mom doesn't know what BuzzFeed is...

But hey, I still did me proud :-)

If you're a fan of chick lit and diamonds, I'm guessing you'll like the article:

"Your 15 Favorite Chick Lit Characters Paired With Their Ideal Engagement Rings"

Check it out, comment on the feed and share!

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Well, I started a blog… I’m a blogger.  I’m blogging off. Heeeere’s to blogging! May the blog be with you. Once upon a blog.


Now what?

I’ve kept a diary since I was 14. I also happen to be one of those people who thinks out loud… for good or for bad. So, this shouldn’t be too hard.

I guess I’ll just start by telling you what to expect in this blog: Absolutely nothing. Some posts may be funny, some may get you thinking, some may be idiotic, some may be fictional, some may be poetic… but they will all be honest.  

Today’s post doesn’t count as an actual post, since setting up the blog was enough productivity for one day. Instead, I will share a short story, or what was going to be the prologue to a short story which I never ended up writing. I wrote this on September 29th, 2009:


Sparkly rain-colored feline-like eyes gaze into a deep puddle reflecting teeny glistening stars against an enchanted blue-black night scene filled with dark chocolate lovers and lazy, lusty adventuresome night owls who hoot and soar into the wild, serene, tender darkness.

A shiny leather business loafer steps into the puddle scene, its owner says “shit” and walks on.

Tear-sized droplets of puddley water splash onto her silk-stockinged stilettoed legs, dampening the fabric slightly.

Still looking down at the puddle, she blinks, takes a deep breath, lifts her right ruby-toed leg up slowly, then suddenly stomps down into the puddle with all of her might. BAM! Her face is now covered in water, her short black hair is dripping, her eyelashes stick firmly to one another. She laughs and stomps again. And again. BAM. BAM! The teeny glistening stars leap onto her buttery cheeks, the dark chocolate lovers embrace each sticky eyelash, the night owls dance in her now-wild hair.

She leans her head back, eyes open wide, and laugh-howls up at the curious sky, loudly, now louder, until the laughter turns into a cry, a cry to a sob, the tear-sized droplets of puddley water blend with puddley-droplet sized tears.